Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chicago Board Games

Yes, there is an actual online group with that name. They have a bunch of events, and so I decided to check it out. There were 3 different aspects of a group which I really enjoy:
- Environment -- competitive, but fun and laid-back. Playing with people who are always distracted can be quite frustrating, as can be people who throw a fit if, say, you put the robber on them. Now, granted, this does describe me at times. But a good environment has a way of being overall quite beneficial.
- Type of games -- playing fun games. Many people think of games such as Monopoly and Risk when they think of board games. While those are quite enjoyable, there are so many more enjoyable games out there.
- Accessibility -- Chicago has a great CTA system, but it doesn't go everywhere. Plus, I have a job and have other things going on, so a group that I can't play with doesn't do me any good.

The events which I've attended has included the above 3 factors in abundance. It is loads of fun. For those of you worrying if I would have a social life, not to fear -- Chicago Board Games is here! While there is much more important things in life than playing games, I do think it is healthy to have an environment where one can sit down and have fun. Probably as I become more plugged into Chicago activities, such as church events and Bible studies, I won't be attending as many of these gaming events. But that is part of the beauty of a group like this -- you can just come when you want.
My favorite events is one which occasionally meets Mondays after work. Actually, it is quite within walking distance of my apartment. Anyway, what really makes the time is the host. T is always a great host. Not only does he have fun games and food, but he also is very socially savvy and keeps a fun, pleasant environment. Not only that, but he has a claim to fame in that he played a large part in bringing Settlers of Catan to the US, where it has taken off as a popular board game.
Perhaps I'll host an event sometime. Maybe when the many summer activities of Chicago start subsiding...

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that does sound like fun. I'm glad you found that group.
